World AMR Awareness Week 2024
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a pressing global health concern, and in 2019, an estimated 1.27 million deaths were associated with AMR globally [1].
This year’s World AMR Awareness Week 2024 (WAAW) encourages us to educate and act now, to tackle resistance [2].
In a worrying statistic from a recent FSA review, only 26% of the UK general public were aware of the term antimicrobial resistance [3]. This figure highlights the need for education. As Veterinary professionals, we have a duty to inform our clients of the risks associated with AMR and educate them on the safe and responsible use of antimicrobials.
AMR is also a concern for animal welfare. A recent study examining over 6000 bacterial isolates from horses in the UK found that 31.7 % of E. coli, and 25.3 % Staphylococcus species isolated were multi-drug resistant [4].
Similarly, in food producing animals, data from the 2023 UK-VARRS report, demonstrated that 24 % of E. coli isolates tested were also multi-drug resistant [5].
In order for us to be able to continue to provide effective treatment for the animals in our care, it is imperative that we manage the antimicrobial resources available to us; basic practices such as good husbandry and hygiene, are basic steps that can be implemented by clients and Vets to reduce transmission of pathogenic and multi-drug-resistant organisms.
Nimrod Veterinary Products are committed to supporting this year’s message of education and action.
[1] Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators. (2022). Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis. The Lancet; 399(10325): P629-655. DOI:
[2] World AMR Awareness Week. 2024. Available at:
[3] Gillespie, R., King, M. (2021) Food Standards Agency AMR Consumer Awareness Survey. Available at:
[4] Isgren CM, Williams NJ, Fletcher OD,et al. Antimicrobial resistance in clinical bacterial isolates fromhorses in the UK. Equine Vet J. 2022;54:390–414.
[5] Veterinary Medicines Directorate (2023) UK-VARSS 2022. Available at:
Posted on 18 November 2024