VetsforNHS 2021 raised over £8,000 for NHS Charities Together

Following the success of last year, Nimrod decided to sponsor VetsforNHS 2021 again this year to help raise more money for NHS Charities Together.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in one of the most challenging periods in the history of the NHS. Funds raised through initiatives like VetsforNHS are more important than ever in helping improve services for patients and support for NHS staff.

On Wedensday 21st April VetsforNHS 2021 provided a full day of quality online CPD for Veterinary professionals with over 40 speakers covering farm animal, equine, wellbeing, nursing and small animal. Participants made donations through the JustGiving page and together we raised over £8,000 for the charity.

Our MD David Renney gave two talks and our Territory Managers worked hard alongside other Partners to make sure the day was a success. We were overwhelmed by the support of those who took part – your help will make a huge difference to NHS staff, volunteers and patients. Thank you!

If you did not manage to attend on the day, the recordings are available following the links below:



To view a copy of the ‘Adventures in farm data’ presentation please visit:

Small Animal




The Just Giving Page is still open and you can make a donation here:



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