Tagged NHS Charities Together

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Vets for NHS Logo

Proud to support VetsForNHS 2021 raising funds for NHS Charities Together

Nimrod Veterinary Products are proud supporters of VetsforNHS 2021 providing CPD to raise funds for NHS Charities Together. We all recognise that the NHS has faced extraordinary challenges during the Pandemic. NHS Charities Together helps staff and patients alike, funding major capital projects, pioneering research, and medical equipment at our…

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Vets for NHS Logo

Vets for NHS – online CPD event to raise money for the NHS

  Update: The event took place on Thursday 9th April and was a brilliant success with over £20,000 raised in donations for NHS Charities Together. Thank you to everyone who watched the lectures and made a donation. And of course a huge thank you to all the speakers who gave…

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